
  • Absolutely the most ridiculous item ever conceived…sad proof that some confused women mistakenly believe they need to become men to acquire power.

  • A very unfortunate development for Go Girl Energy Drink. When I first saw the Go Girl Female Urination website, I thought the energy drink company had reesigned their can. Perhapse I am wrong about this being unfortunate. They might do well bundling their products together. 🙂

  • Hmmm…. I applaud the innovative thinking. This is the type of thinking that moves society forward. I think there’s going to be a cultural adoption issue with the masses in that it is just fundamentally opposite of how us girls were programmed from when we were little; however, now is the time to introduce a product like this that could expand the parameters of that fundamental programming for the future.

  • Who the hell is going to haul that bright pink device around in their purse?

    I suppose Go Girl will be the hit of this year’s Christmas gift exchange.
    Then, I guess it’s more useful than a pet rock.

  • I’m speechless. Do you think the “FUD” acronym (from the website) will catch on?

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