- April
Posted By : Thomas Gilmore
Alumni Lecture Series Guest Speaker

IMG00151Thomas Gilmore recently lectured at the campus of Bowling Green State University (BGSU) on topics of branding and packaging, as well as careers in graphic design. The Friday night lecture drew a crowd of well over 150 students, faculty and local design professionals to a lecture hall in the BGSU Bowen-Thompson Student Union.

“Mr. Gilmore met with students in a casual fashion during the day and in the evening to make the formal presentation on branding and graphic design”, said Todd Childers, Associate Professor of Graphic Design at BGSU. Childers went on to say, “Tom’s knowledge of graphic design and how it interfaces with branding is well considered and thoughtful.”

The ninety minute lecture focused upon the many differing profesional avenues available to young graphic designers, as well as obstacles they may encounter during their career. As the economy represents a major concern for students today, a portion of the discussion focused upon tactics for gaining experience and networking within the design community.

Gilmore also brought his branding and consumer packaged goods experience to the audience through a dynamic and very visual presentation. “It would be an understatement to say that we were all very pleased with Tom’s performance, stated Childers. Much of the presentation included discussion with the audience. Gilmore engaged many of the students with audience polls and direct questions.

Gilmore stated, “I really enjoyed giving the lecture and meeting the students. I was very impressed with the ones that I met. They are most certainly talented, creative and curious. I am very much looking forward to further supporting the program in the coming years.”


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