April 2010 19
Why New York Smells!
Posted By : Tracy Pepe

Ever so often, I find a research study and breath a deep breath of relief. Recently a researcher Leslie Vosshall of Rockefeller University presented a five-year study to a group of academics in New York.

March 2010 26
What Makes a Good Branding Scent?
Posted By : Tracy Pepe

Aromatic treasures found in wet soil, the freshness of the earth, the ripe aroma found underneath the snow and salt. Yes, for those who live in a climate of seasons with snow, a spring aroma

March 2010 11
How Does Your Brand Smell?
Posted By : Tracy Pepe

Understanding the Language of Scent Although it might sound silly, the aroma of a brand is a key experiential factor. So, here is the classic question; what does your brand smell like, and can you